National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation. Online mindfulness intervention for adolescents with 22q11DS. 90BISA0016-01-00 (PI: Alison E. Parker, Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 9/30/18 – 3/31/19. The purpose is to develop an online mindfulness training program for adolescents with 22q11DS. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Elementary school mindfulness-based substance use prevention program. 2R44AA021342 (PI: Alison E. Parker; Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 9/10/2014 – 9/9/2018. The purpose is to complete the development of and evaluate the efficacy of the Master Mind program, a mindfulness education, substance abuse prevent program for elementary school children. Role: Multimedia Designer.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Mindfulness-based coping program for adolescents. R43HD068093 (PI: Alison E. Parker; Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 5/1/2014 – 4/30/2017. The purpose is to develop a prototype of and examine the feasibility of a mindfulness education program for high school students. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Contract No. HHSN275201300008C (PI: Alison E. Parker, Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 8/1/2013 – 7/31/2015. The purpose is to complete the development of and evaluate the efficacy of an online mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Media literacy for sexual health in older adolescents. R21DA035665 (PI: Tracy M. Scull). 9/15/2012-8/31/2016. The purpose is to develop and test the feasibility of a brief web-based media literacy education intervention to reduce risky sexual practices (e.g., intoxicated sex, unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, sexual violence) in community college students. Role: Multimedia Designer.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Middle school media literacy for reproductive health – Phase II. R44HD061193 (PI: Tracy M. Scull). 9/25/2012-7/31/2016. The purpose is to develop and evaluate a sexual health media literacy education program for middle school students. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Substance use prevention media literacy high school curriculum. R44 DA018495-02A1 (PI: Kupersmidt). 4/01/08-12/31/13. The purpose is to complete the creation and conduct a randomized trial of the effectiveness of substance abuse prevention, media literacy curriculum for use with high school students. Role: Multimedia Designer
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Web-based media literacy parent training for substance use prevention in rural locations. HHSN271201100011C (PI: Tracy M. Scull). 7/28/11-1/28/12.
The purpose is to translate an in-person media literacy workshop for parents of elementary school students into a web-based program. The goal is to increase the accessibility of substance abuse prevention programming for families living in rural areas. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. The Drugged Driving Resources website for the prevention of drugged driving. 5R44DA038410-03. (PI: Stelter). 7/1/14-6/30/18. The purpose is to complete the development of the drugged driving resources website and training and conduct an evaluation of these resources. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Child Health and Human Development. Mobile and Web-based training for mentees and their caregivers. 1R43HD077988-01. (PI: Stelter). 7/1/13-6/30/16. The purpose is to develop a web-based training program for youth who participated in a mentoring relationship and their parents or caregivers in order to help prepare them for a successful mentoring relationship and promote child safety. The training courses were evaluated to assess the feasibility of implementing web-based training through a mentoring program with youth and their parents or caregivers. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugged driving web-based system. N43DA-12-5574. (PI: Stelter). 9/14/2012-2/28/2013. The purpose is to develop a prototype and test the feasibility of a web-based system that includes three main resources related to drugged driving including a resource library, data collection system, and training course. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Media literacy substance abuse prevention parent training. R43DA024477 (PI: Tracy M. Barrett/Scull). 7/01/08-12/31/09. The purpose is to create and evaluate the feasibility of a media literacy education, substance abuse prevention program for parents. Role: Multimedia Designer.
Institute of Education Sciences. Mindfulness-based academic achievement program for middle school students. R305A090175 (PI: Alison E. Parker, Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 3/1/2009 – 2/28/2013. The purpose is to develop a mindfulness education program for early adolescents in middle school. Role: Multimedia Designer.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Web-based mentor training program. R44HD057674 (PI: Janis Kupersmidt, Co-I: Alison E. Parker). 8/1/2010 – 7/31/2013. The purpose is to develop a web-based training program for mentors of young children and conduct a short-term randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Contract No. HHSN275201100019C (PI: Alison E. Parker, Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 9/30/2011 – 3/30/2012. The purpose is to develop a prototype of an online mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and examine the technical feasibility of the online program. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Web-based assessment of social information processing skills in adolescent boys. R43DA026650 (PI: Janis Kupersmidt, Co-I: Alison E. Parker). 4/1/2009 – 9/30/2011. The purpose is to develop and conduct a feasibility study for a web-based computer application to assess social information processing skills in aggressive and non-aggressive adolescent boys. Role: Multimedia Designer.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Elementary school mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program. R43DA024508 (PI: Alison E. Parker; Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 1/15/2009 – 12/31/2010. The purpose is to develop a mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program for elementary school children. Role: Multimedia Designer.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Computerized assessment of emotion recognition skills. R43HD055705 (PI: Alison E. Parker; Co-I: Janis Kupersmidt). 4/10/2008 – 4/9/2010. The purpose is to develop a web-based measure of emotion recognition skills for use with preschool-aged children. Role: Multimedia Designer.