Interested in being part of impactful research?

iRT conducts innovative, high quality research studies to develop helpful, evidence-based programs that better society. Volunteers are critical to our research, and your participation could help us enhance the lives of young people and families!

Ethics Review

All research studies are reviewed by an ethics board.

Participation is Voluntary

Participation is voluntary. You can stop participating at any time!

Risk disclosure

We will disclose all risks and benefits of participation.

Earn rewards

You can earn rewards for participating!

Ask questions

You can ask questions at any point in the study.


Data are kept confidential. Your privacy will be protected.

Current Open Studies

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How can you get started?

  1. Find a study. Browse our current research study participation opportunities above.
  2. See if you’re eligible. You’ll take an eligibility screener to see if you meet the criteria to participate.
  3. Learn the details of participation. We will discuss details of the study with you before you decide to participate
  4. Consent or assent to participate! Participants under the age of 18 can assent with the help of a parent.

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