Media Detective Family Night
Media Detectives Snoop and Scoop teach families the strategies advertisers use to persuade people to use alcohol and tobacco products and discover the missing health information about what really happens when you use alcohol and tobacco. Parents and students learn to critically analyze and reject unhealthy persuasive media messages to prevent use of alcohol, tobacco, and vaping products.
Scull, T. M. (2019, August). Media Detective: A creative approach to substance use prevention in elementary school. Presentation for the NC 21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Institute, Guilford Tech Community College in Jamestown, NC.
Kupersmidt, J. B. (2011, July). Media Detective and Media Detective Parent Night. In L. Bergsma (Chair), Media literacy education to promote health: Research and promising K-12 and community applications. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Media Literacy Education, Philadelphia, PA.