iRT’s research on media literacy and adolescent sexual is highlighted in a chapter in the forthcoming book, Teens, Sex, and Media Effects
Elizabeth Porter2024-09-05T17:52:32+00:00September 05, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT’s researchers have a wealth of expertise in media literacy education and sexual health research. Teens, Sex, and Media Effects: Understanding Media’s Influence on Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Advocacy, the soon-to-be-released book compiling original research related to adolescent sexual health and sexual media, will showcase some of iRT’s work. Drs. Christina Dodson and Tracy Scull authored a chapter for the book highlighting over a decade of iRT’s research on sexual health and media literacy education in a chapter entitled “Media Literacy Education for Comprehensive Sexual Health Promotion.” Chapters of Teens, Sex, and Media Effects [...]