Journal of Health Communication Publishes the Impacts of Media Aware on Young Adults’ Sexual Health Cognitions
Elizabeth Porter2025-01-16T16:08:22+00:00January 16, 2025, Durham, NC – The Journal of Health Communication recently published an article detailing findings from an evaluation of iRT’s media literacy education-based sexual health promotion program called Media Aware. The article, entitled “A Media Literacy Education Approach to Sexual Health Promotion: Immediate Effects of Media Aware on the Sexual Health Cognitions of Young Adult Community College Students,” was authored by iRT Researchers Dr. Tracy Scull, Dr. Christina Dodson, Dr. Janis Kupersmidt, Dr. Reina Evans-Paulson, Dr. Katie Stump, and Liz Reeder. Media Aware is an interactive, web-based program that provides young adults with comprehensive, medically-accurate information about sex and [...]