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So far IRT Inc has created 66 blog entries.

Dr. Parker Appointed to NCFASD Informed Board of Directors


Durham, NC, March 25, 2021 - innovation Research & Training is ecstatic to announce Dr. Alison Parker’s appointment to the NCFASD Informed Board of Directors. NCFASD Informed is a non-profit organization of all volunteers with the mission “to create FASD informed communities to empower individuals impacted by prenatal exposure to alcohol.” The organization is dedicated to raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the community; this awareness may lead to an increase in the number of diagnostic opportunities for individuals with FASD as well as support and resources for individuals and their families. Dr. Parker is a Research Scientist [...]

Dr. Parker Appointed to NCFASD Informed Board of Directors2021-04-22T20:11:26+00:00

iRT’s New Online Youth Safety Programs for Remote Learning


Durham, NC, March 24, 2021 - The vast majority of colleges (96%) offer some portion of their education online [1] and in 2020, 50 million K-12 students were forced to learn remotely [2]. iRT has worked tirelessly to adapt many of our successful programs for the online-learning environment. These are an excellent resource for teachers, mentors, parents, and community groups to make sure their students don’t miss out on important behavioral development. Below are a list of out resources that will work in remote, hybrid, or homeschool learning environments: Impaired driving prevention for high school and college students. Help your students [...]

iRT’s New Online Youth Safety Programs for Remote Learning2022-06-29T16:57:53+00:00

2021 Redesigned iRT Website Release


Durham, NC, March 17, 2021 - innovation, Research & Training (iRT) launched a new website for clients, prospects, and partners to learn more about the organization’s advances in behavioral science research. The new and intuitively styled website features iRT’s projects and high quality products. Find information about iRT’s research, products, services, and news by navigating the dropdown menus. Explore quality research through webpages dedicated to recent projects and research focus areas, including media literacy education, mentoring, mindfulness education, and more. In addition, products easily filter by product age group, method, or outcome. Discover recent happenings and current events, like webinars, within [...]

2021 Redesigned iRT Website Release2021-03-24T16:11:37+00:00

iRT Awarded NIDILRR Grant to Expand Research on Novel, Web-based Intervention for Teens with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome


iRT is expanding research on adolescents with an intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) with funding from the Administration for Community Living supporting a study on teaching mindfulness, via a novel, online mindfulness program, to adolescents with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS). The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) awarded iRT with a grant (90BISB0016-01-00) to create a program that can help reduce anxiety and improve coping with everyday stressors among teens with 22q11DS in an attempt to fill the gap of available, non-pharmacological interventions for adolescents in this population. Program development will build upon a previous pilot study, [...]

iRT Awarded NIDILRR Grant to Expand Research on Novel, Web-based Intervention for Teens with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome2023-01-11T21:03:22+00:00

New iRT Parent-Child Communication Program Proven Effective


Media Aware Parent – iRT’s new program to help parents talk with their pre-teens and teens about sex, relationships, and media – is an effective way to bolster communication and healthy attitudes in teens, according to an article that was published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence.  Media Aware Parent is the latest program in iRT’s Media Aware series, which...

New iRT Parent-Child Communication Program Proven Effective2023-01-11T21:08:10+00:00

iRT’s Prevention Central Team Publishes Chapter on Sexual Socialization in the International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy


Media literacy education (MLE) is one of the primary strategies used by Prevention Central research teams at iRT to develop innovative, evidence-based programs. Prevention Central scientists are on the forefront of  researching the influence of media on adolescents’ sexual attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, and have found that MLE is an effective way to promote adolescent sexual health.

iRT’s Prevention Central Team Publishes Chapter on Sexual Socialization in the International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy2023-01-11T21:13:05+00:00

iRT Scientist Contributes to Chapter on Media Literacy and Smoking in the International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy


For more than a decade, scientists at iRT have conducted groundbreaking research on the impact of media literacy education for substance abuse prevention. Recently, Dr. Janis Kupersmidt, an expert on this topic, co-authored a chapter entitled “Media Literacy and Smoking” in the newly-published International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. The encyclopedia – which is available...

iRT Scientist Contributes to Chapter on Media Literacy and Smoking in the International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy2023-07-19T18:04:27+00:00

iRT Partners with College Access for All


iRT has partnered with College Access for All, an initiative developed by NYC Schools and Mayor Bill de Blasio to ensure all students are engaged in a “college-ready” culture. Hundreds of schools participate in this initiative, which was designed to help students form a career and college plan upon graduation from high school. College Access for All provides several support services...

iRT Partners with College Access for All2023-01-11T21:15:19+00:00

iRT Researchers Will Present At North Carolina Sexual Health Conference


Dr. Christina Malik, Elyse Keefe, and Abigail Morrison from Prevention Central (a division of innovation Research & Training) will be presenting at the SHIFT NC annual conference, Diving Below the Surface: Exploring the Depths of Adolescent Sexual Health, next week on Thursday, May 16, 2:00-3:15 p.m., in Greensboro, North Carolina.   Sexual Health Initiatives for Teens (SHIFT) is a...

iRT Researchers Will Present At North Carolina Sexual Health Conference2023-01-11T21:18:19+00:00

Prevention Central Shares Media Literacy Education Strategies In Public Webinar


Prevention Central –a division of innovation Research & Training—is committed to sharing its groundbreaking research and development work with the prevention field through conducting monthly webinars led by leading scientists in the field. In the first of these webinars, held in February of 2019, Senior Research Scientist Dr. Tracy Scull presented “Analyzing Media:  A...

Prevention Central Shares Media Literacy Education Strategies In Public Webinar2023-01-11T21:20:07+00:00
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