Product News Post

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Plan to Avoid Driving High


September 27, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT is dedicated to preventing distracted and impaired driving and helping drivers, prevention professionals, and community members protect themselves and others on the road. Plan My Ride is iRT’s interactive, multimedia, eLearning program developed with and for young drivers to teach safe driving skills to prevent distracted and impaired driving. Unlike other safe driving educational programs, Plan My Ride uses a science-backed and theory-driven approach to change behavior by teaching concrete, practical strategies to avoid impaired and distracted driving, and providing opportunities for young drivers to practice the skills they have learned in 360-degree virtual scenarios. The program [...]

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Plan to Avoid Driving High2024-09-27T20:09:42+00:00

iRT’s research on media literacy and adolescent sexual health is highlighted in a chapter in the forthcoming book, Teens, Sex, and Media Effects


September 27, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT’s researchers have a wealth of expertise in media literacy education and sexual health research. Teens, Sex, and Media Effects: Understanding Media’s Influence on Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Advocacy, the soon-to-be-released book compiling original research related to adolescent sexual health and sexual media, will showcase some of iRT’s work. Drs. Christina Dodson and Tracy Scull authored a chapter for the book highlighting over a decade of iRT’s research on sexual health and media literacy education in a chapter entitled “Media Literacy Education for Comprehensive Sexual Health Promotion.” Chapters of Teens, Sex, and Media Effects [...]

iRT’s research on media literacy and adolescent sexual health is highlighted in a chapter in the forthcoming book, Teens, Sex, and Media Effects2024-09-27T19:57:51+00:00

Is Evolving Automotive Technology Helping or Hurting Young Drivers?


September 27, 2024, Durham, NC – Automotive technology is evolving more quickly today than ever before. In the 2020s alone, major innovations have been made in automotive connectivity, electrification, and self-driving and driver assistance features to increase convenience and comfort for drivers. In addition, many new automotive technologies show promise for improving driver and passenger safety. Driver assistance features such as lane assist, automatic emergency braking, blind spot alerting, and 360-degree external cameras may be able to help drivers prevent vehicle accidents and increase drivers’ awareness of their surroundings. Young drivers are at high risk for unsafe driving behaviors, such as [...]

Is Evolving Automotive Technology Helping or Hurting Young Drivers?2024-09-27T19:36:28+00:00

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Refuse to Drink and Drive


August 09, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT is dedicated to preventing distracted and impaired driving and helping drivers, prevention professionals, and community members protect themselves and others on the road. Plan My Ride is iRT’s interactive, multimedia, eLearning program developed with and for young drivers to teach safe driving skills to prevent distracted and impaired driving. Unlike other safe driving educational programs, Plan My Ride uses a science-backed and theory-driven approach to change behavior by teaching concrete, practical strategies to avoid impaired and distracted driving, and providing opportunities for young drivers to practice the skills they have learned in 360-degree virtual scenarios. The program [...]

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Refuse to Drink and Drive2024-08-09T17:32:20+00:00

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Avoiding Distracted Driving


July 09, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT is dedicated to preventing distracted and impaired driving and helping drivers, prevention professionals, and community members protect themselves and others on the road. Plan My Ride is iRT’s interactive, multimedia, eLearning program developed with and for young drivers to teach safe driving skills to prevent distracted and impaired driving. Unlike other safe driving educational programs, Plan My Ride uses a science-backed and theory-driven approach to change behavior by teaching concrete, practical strategies to avoid impaired and distracted driving, and providing opportunities for young drivers to practice the skills they have learned in 360-degree [...]

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Avoiding Distracted Driving2024-07-10T16:55:06+00:00

iRT’s Recent Research Examines How Sex Education Affects the Way College Students Think About Sex and Relationships


June 17, 2024, Durham, NC – Over the past few years, iRT researchers have been conducting the Community College Health Study to learn more about how to promote the sexual and relationship health of community college students. Over 1,500 students and 50 faculty, staff, and administrators from community colleges across the United States are participating in the Community College Health Study. Findings from the study are being used to examine sexual health programming to enhance student health and prevent sexual assault, as well as to help community college personnel find ways to promote the well-being of their students. As part of [...]

iRT’s Recent Research Examines How Sex Education Affects the Way College Students Think About Sex and Relationships2024-06-17T20:34:51+00:00

iRT Researchers Discuss Sexual Health and Media Literacy Education at Fact Forward’s Adolescent Health Spring Summit


May 03, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT researchers presented at Fact Forward’s 2024 Adolescent Health Spring Summit last month to discuss how incorporating media literacy education concepts in sexual health education can impact young people’s sexual health beliefs and behaviors. Fact Forward hosted the Adolescent Health Summit in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on April 24, 2024. This event provided opportunities for youth-supporting professionals in North Carolina to learn and share current trends, research, and best practices in adolescent health education and wellness with subject matter experts. iRT Researchers Liz [...]

iRT Researchers Discuss Sexual Health and Media Literacy Education at Fact Forward’s Adolescent Health Spring Summit2024-05-03T17:21:04+00:00

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Training Young Drivers on Driving Essentials


April 11, 2024, Durham, NC – April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, which provides an important opportunity to spread awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and strategies to prevent it. Distractions can come in various forms for drivers, including using a mobile device, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, or fidgeting with a navigation device or radio while driving. Distracted driving can significantly increase the chance of vehicle crashes as well as death or injury for drivers and passengers. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that approximately 3,000 people die in crashes involving distracted driving [...]

Promoting Safe Driving in Teens with Plan My Ride: Training Young Drivers on Driving Essentials2024-04-11T14:28:47+00:00

DigiKnowIt News is Expanded to Help Recruit Adolescents into Pediatric Clinical Trials


April 11, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT is pleased to announce the release of a new version of DigiKnowIt News. Pediatric researchers across the nation are struggling to recruit an adequate number of children and adolescents into pediatric clinical trials and other types of research projects. Until recently, DigiKnowIt News included information designed to educate children about clinical trials but did not have activities and content that were appealing to teens. DigiKnowIt News is one of the first interactive, educational web-based software applications designed with the specific goal of helping researchers recruit more children and adolescents to participate in pediatric clinical [...]

DigiKnowIt News is Expanded to Help Recruit Adolescents into Pediatric Clinical Trials2024-04-11T13:59:32+00:00

Recent Research Supporting STEM Mentoring for Traditionally Underrepresented Youth


March 27, 2024, Durham, NC - Recent research indicates that opportunities for students to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are growing. The Afterschool Alliance’s 2021 America After 3PM Special Report states that among approximately 31,000 randomly selected parents of school-aged children in the United States, 39% reported that their child’s school offered a technology- or engineering-related afterschool program in 2020. This was a significant increase compared to findings from 2014 surveys which indicated that only 30% of schools offered engineering and technology learning opportunities in afterschool programs. Science-related afterschool programs increased from 46% in 2014 to [...]

Recent Research Supporting STEM Mentoring for Traditionally Underrepresented Youth2024-03-27T20:59:28+00:00
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