Media Aware for Young Adults News Post

Journal of Health Communication Publishes the Impacts of Media Aware on Young Adults’ Sexual Health Cognitions


January 16, 2025, Durham, NC – The Journal of Health Communication recently published an article detailing findings from an evaluation of iRT’s media literacy education-based sexual health promotion program called Media Aware. The article, entitled “A Media Literacy Education Approach to Sexual Health Promotion: Immediate Effects of Media Aware on the Sexual Health Cognitions of Young Adult Community College Students,” was authored by iRT Researchers Dr. Tracy Scull, Dr. Christina Dodson, Dr. Janis Kupersmidt, Dr. Reina Evans-Paulson, Dr. Katie Stump, and Liz Reeder. Media Aware is an interactive, web-based program that provides young adults with comprehensive, medically-accurate information about sex and [...]

Journal of Health Communication Publishes the Impacts of Media Aware on Young Adults’ Sexual Health Cognitions2025-01-16T16:08:22+00:00

The American Journal of Sexuality Education Publishes iRT’s Research on Sex Education Programs for College Students


November 25, 2024, Durham, NC – The American Journal of Sexuality Education recently published an article detailing findings from iRT’s research on comprehensive sex education programs for college students. The article, entitled “Acceptability and Fidelity of a Media Literacy Education-Based, Comprehensive Sexual Health Program for College Students: A Multi-Method Student-Centered Evaluation,” was authored by current and former iRT Researchers Dr. Reina Evans-Paulson, Kylia Ahuna, Dr. Tracy Scull, Dr. Christina Dodson, and Dr. Janis Kupersmidt. College students are at high risk for engaging in risky sexual behaviors, such as unprotected sex and poor communication with partners. Providing high-quality comprehensive sex education is [...]

The American Journal of Sexuality Education Publishes iRT’s Research on Sex Education Programs for College Students2024-11-25T14:59:53+00:00

iRT’s research on media literacy and adolescent sexual health is highlighted in a chapter in the forthcoming book, Teens, Sex, and Media Effects


September 27, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT’s researchers have a wealth of expertise in media literacy education and sexual health research. Teens, Sex, and Media Effects: Understanding Media’s Influence on Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Advocacy, the soon-to-be-released book compiling original research related to adolescent sexual health and sexual media, will showcase some of iRT’s work. Drs. Christina Dodson and Tracy Scull authored a chapter for the book highlighting over a decade of iRT’s research on sexual health and media literacy education in a chapter entitled “Media Literacy Education for Comprehensive Sexual Health Promotion.” Chapters of Teens, Sex, and Media Effects [...]

iRT’s research on media literacy and adolescent sexual health is highlighted in a chapter in the forthcoming book, Teens, Sex, and Media Effects2024-09-27T19:57:51+00:00

iRT’s Recent Research Examines How Sex Education Affects the Way College Students Think About Sex and Relationships


June 17, 2024, Durham, NC – Over the past few years, iRT researchers have been conducting the Community College Health Study to learn more about how to promote the sexual and relationship health of community college students. Over 1,500 students and 50 faculty, staff, and administrators from community colleges across the United States are participating in the Community College Health Study. Findings from the study are being used to examine sexual health programming to enhance student health and prevent sexual assault, as well as to help community college personnel find ways to promote the well-being of their students. As part of [...]

iRT’s Recent Research Examines How Sex Education Affects the Way College Students Think About Sex and Relationships2024-06-17T20:34:51+00:00

iRT Researchers Discuss Sexual Health and Media Literacy Education at Fact Forward’s Adolescent Health Spring Summit


May 03, 2024, Durham, NC – iRT researchers presented at Fact Forward’s 2024 Adolescent Health Spring Summit last month to discuss how incorporating media literacy education concepts in sexual health education can impact young people’s sexual health beliefs and behaviors. Fact Forward hosted the Adolescent Health Summit in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on April 24, 2024. This event provided opportunities for youth-supporting professionals in North Carolina to learn and share current trends, research, and best practices in adolescent health education and wellness with subject matter experts. iRT Researchers Liz [...]

iRT Researchers Discuss Sexual Health and Media Literacy Education at Fact Forward’s Adolescent Health Spring Summit2024-05-03T17:21:04+00:00

iRT Researchers Present on the Importance of Media Literacy Education-Based Sex Education Programs for the ECHO@edu Program


September 25, 2023, Durham, NC – Research has shown that comprehensive, inclusive, medically-accurate sex education can positively impact youth and young adults’ decisions about their sexual health, beliefs about relationships, and attitudes towards sexual violence. However, some middle school and high school students receive inaccurate or incomplete sex education, and others may not receive sex education at all. The gaps in standardized middle and high school sex education highlight an important opportunity for colleges to offer comprehensive, medically-accurate sex education to students, so young adults can make more informed decisions about their sexual health and foster healthy relationships. This topic was [...]

iRT Researchers Present on the Importance of Media Literacy Education-Based Sex Education Programs for the ECHO@edu Program2023-09-25T13:52:12+00:00

iRT Researchers to Present for the ECHO@edu: Campus Violence Prevention Program


July 19, 2023, Durham, NC – iRT Research Scientists Drs. Reina Evans-Paulson and Christina Dodson will lead an interactive Zoom session for the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance’s ECHO@edu: Campus Violence Prevention program on August 10, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The ECHO program is an international evidence-based model for training and peer-to-peer learning. The Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance invites staff at colleges, universities, and community colleges to join to discuss best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention and new developments in peer education programs. Evans-Paulson and Dodson will present a session entitled [...]

iRT Researchers to Present for the ECHO@edu: Campus Violence Prevention Program2023-07-19T12:56:13+00:00

iRT receives an R21 award from NIDA.


Dr. Tracy Scull and Dr. Janis Kupersmidt have received an R21 award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to create a web-based media literacy education program to reduce risky sexual practices in community college students. Dr. Tracy Scull (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Janis Kupersmidt (Co-Investigator) have received an R21 award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to...

iRT receives an R21 award from NIDA.2020-12-31T16:42:27+00:00
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