The People Behind iRT

Our versatile and multi-faceted staff have significant experience with the various tools and methods for data collection, management, analysis, reporting, and policy development, as well as technical skills in graphics, website development, and customized computer programming. Our areas of expertise include substance misuse, mental health, juvenile justice, child trauma, healthcare, and child welfare, with an emphasis on child, adolescent, and family-based services.

Christina Dodson, Ph.D.
Christina Dodson, Ph.D.Research Scientist
Reina Evans-Paulson, Ph.D.
Reina Evans-Paulson, Ph.D.Research Scientist
Ellen Frost
Ellen FrostBusiness Manager
Kim Gosnell
Kim GosnellArt Director
Janis Kupersmidt, Ph.D.
Janis Kupersmidt, Ph.D.President and Senior Research Scientist
Alison Parker, Ph.D.
Alison Parker, Ph.D.Senior Research Scientist and Vice President of Operations
Elizabeth Porter
Elizabeth PorterContent Marketing Specialist
Liz Reeder
Liz ReederResearch Specialist
Cristina Rodriguez
Cristina RodriguezAccounting Assistant
Tracy Scull, Ph.D.
Tracy Scull, Ph.D.Senior Research Scientist
Sarah Soson
Sarah SosonResearch Assistant
Rebecca Stelter, Ph.D.
Rebecca Stelter, Ph.D.Research Scientist
Katie Stump, Ph.D.
Katie Stump, Ph.D.Research Scientist
Richard Van Horn
Richard Van HornSenior Web Applications Developer
Yontii Wheeler
Yontii WheelerResearch Assistant - Public Health Intern

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