Kylia Ahuna
Public Health Intern

Kylia Ahuna is a public health graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a focus in health behavior. She has experience in conducting research in behavioral neuroscience and maternal and pediatric health. Her current research interests involve developing and evaluating health interventions and programs. Kylia is also particularly passionate about making research more accessible and is excited to be working with iRT to disseminate findings related to their programs. Outside of work, she likes to spend time with her dogs, Hazel and Kevin, and visit family whenever possible.
M.P.H., Anticipated 2024, Health Behavior, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.A., 2022, Science Writing, Johns Hopkins University
B.A., 2019, Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder
Lapehn, S., Houghtaling, S., Ahuna, K., Kadam, L., MacDonald, J. W., Bammler, T. K., LeWinn, K. Z., Myatt, L., Sathyanarayana, S., & Paquette, A. G. (2023). Mono(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate induces transcriptomic changes in placental cells based on concentration, fetal sex, and trophoblast cell type. Archives of Toxicology.
Bucher, M., Kadam, L., Ahuna, K., Myatt, L. (2021). Differences in glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration between cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast in-vitro: Evidence for sexual dimorphism. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Gutzeit, V.A., Ahuna, K., Santos, T.L., et al. (2020). Optogenetic reactivation of prefrontal social neural ensembles mimics social buffering of fear. Neuropsychopharmacology.
Ahuna, K., Cunningham, A., Gutzeit, V.A., et al. (2019, May 10). Novel and familiar conspecific illicit immediate early gene expression in the infralimbic cortex. Biological Sciences Initiative, Boulder, CO, United States.
Ahuna, K., Cunningham, A., Woroniekca, M., et al. (2018, November 4). Optogenetic reactivation of socially-labeled cells in PFC but not lateral septum modulates fear. Society of Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.
Ahuna, K., Cunningham, A., Woroniekca, M., et al. (2018, May 11). Optogenetic reactivation of socially-labeled cells ameliorates fear but not anxiety. Biological Sciences Initiative, Boulder, CO, United States.
Ahuna, K., Cajarmarca, S., Jin, H., et al. (2018, August 8). The Role of C1-inhibitor in Vascular Aβ-Fibrinogen Deposits in Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States.
Department of Neuroscience Thesis Award, 2019, University of Colorado Boulder
Biological Sciences Initiative Scholar, 2017-2019, University of Colorado Boulder
Research Fellowship Recipient, 2018, Rockefeller University