
Purpose: To enhance adolescents’ abilities to be aware of and manage their feelings and thoughts, cope with stress, make healthier decisions, and avoid risky behaviors such as using alcohol or other drugs

Teen holding a clipboard


irt AWARE for Teens with FASD


Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are at risk for substance use and misuse.

Given the dearth of interventions designed specifically for adolescents with FASD, there exists a need for evidence-based preventive intervention programs for this population. Thus, the goal of this research program was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an online mindfulness-based substance misuse prevention program, the Aware Program, for adolescents with FASD.

The program content and format of the Aware Program address the unique challenges that exist for providing adolescents with FASD the skills needed to control their feelings and behaviors in order to make healthy decisions. The Program includes four main topics, each representing the foundations of mindfulness (i.e., awareness of body, feelings, thoughts, and relationships). A randomized controlled trial was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of the Program.



Parker, A. E., Kupersmidt, J. B., Upton, S., Alter, M., & Olson, H. (2016, March). Online mindfulness program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder for healthy coping and decision-making skills. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.

Parker, A. E., Kupersmidt, J. B., Carmichael Olson, H., Grant, T. (2014, April). Online mindfulness training for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Paper presented at the 6th National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD, Vancouver, BC.


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