Kupersmidt, J., Stelter, R. Garringer, M. & Bourgoin, J. (2018). STEM Mentoring: Supplement to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring. Boston, MA: MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership.

Parker, A. E., Kupersmidt, J. B., Hiatt, C., & Carmichael Olson, H. (2018). Social information processing and intentions to use substances in adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In M. Van Rest (Chair), Individual and Contextual Social Factors Affect Social Decision-Making and Risk Behaviors such as Substance use and Aggression. Paper symposium presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence in Minneapolis, MN, April 2018.

Parker, A. E. & Scull, T. B. (2017). Creation of comic books for new educational resource for youth. Workshop conducted at the International Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN) Summit in Orlando, FL, July 2017.

Parker, A. E., Kupersmidt, J. B., Upton, S., Alter, M., & Olson, H. (2016, March). Online mindfulness program for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder for healthy coping and decision-making skills. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.

Parker, A. E., Kupersmidt, J. B., Carmichael Olson, H., Grant, T., (2014, April). Online mindfulness training for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Oral presentation at the 6th National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD, Vancouver, BC.

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