Media Aware for Young Adults
Teaches college students medically-accurate sexual health information and behavioral skills to prevent sexual assault, sexually transmitted infections, and unplanned pregnancy. The program is evidence-based, comprehensive, and in compliance with the sexual assault prevention mandates from Title IX and the Campus Save Act.
IRT Inc2022-08-24T18:41:19+00:00
Efficacy of a Health Media Literacy Education Program for Sexual Health Promotion in Community College Adolescents
Examining the efficacy of an mHealth media literacy education program for sexual health promotion in older adolescents attending community college Scull, T. M., Kupersmidt, [...]
Scull, T. M. (2019, December). Media Aware: An innovative, engaging, and effective approach to sexual health promotion for young adults. Presentation at the 5th annual Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault; Eastern Michigan University.