Prevention Program

Media Literacy Education

  • AUDIENCE: Middle school students

  • METHOD: In-person, instructor-led curriculum

  • LENGTH: 10 lessons

  • DESCRIPTION: 50 minutes/lesson

  • LANGUAGE: Available in English and Spanish

iRT Media Ready Program

Media Ready

Teach students critical thinking skills about media to prevent or delay the use of alcohol, tobacco, and vaping.



Media Ready Evaluation

Improving media message interpretation processing skills to promote healthy decision making about substance use: The effects of the Media Ready Curriculum. Kupersmidt, J. B., [...]


Scull, T.M., Kupersmidt, J.B., & Malik, C.V. (2016, March). An evaluation of a comprehensive sexual health media literacy education program for middle school students. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescents Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Barrett, T. M. & Kupersmidt, J. B. (February, 2008). Media literacy, substance abuse prevention programs for middle school students. Workshop presented at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Safe, Orderly, & Caring Schools Conference, Greensboro, NC.

Kupersmidt, J. B. & Barrett, T. M. (November, 2007). Media literacy substance abuse prevention programs for elementary and middle school-aged youth. Talk presented to the Prevention Team of the North Carolina Department of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services.


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